Health Care Guarantee & Contact County Council

Patients who come from counties other than Region Skåne are obviously warmly welcome at Kaernan Orthopaedic Clinic. From January 1st, 2015, it is easy to visit us as you do not need any authorization from your home county for a clinic visit. 

The national health care guarantee means that you can seek health care in counties other than your own, if waiting times are long or for some reason you wish to contact a particular health care facility for your symptoms. There is so-called free choice of health care in Sweden, which simply means that you can seek treatment anywhere in Sweden without a referral.

You can make an appointment yourself at Kaernan Orthopaedic Clinic by caling us on: +46 (0)42-242770 or via  email address 



Region Västra Götaland, “Vårdslussen” (“Care Gateway”): +46 (0)20-445555

Halland County Council, Health Care Guarantee Service: +46 (0)771-900600

Kronoberg County Council, “Customer choice and private health care providers,” Sandra Nyqvist: +46 (0)470-586264

Blekinge County Council, Health Care Karlskrona, Kerstin Pettersson: +46 (0)455-731000

Stockholm County Council, “Health Care Guarantee Office”: +46 (0)8-12313400

Jönköping County Council: +46 (0)36-324000

Östergötland County Council: +46 (0)20-242526

Värmland County Council, Healthcare Pilot, Inger Fritiofsson: +46 (0)54-614383 +46 (0)76 -7736847

Dalarna County Council: +46 (0)23-490300

Sörmland County Council: +46 (0)155-247730

Västernorrland County Council: +46 (0)511-80000

Norrbotten County Council: +46 (0)920-284653

Kalmar County Council: +46 (0)480-84000

Örebro County Council: +46 (0)19-6026600

Gotland County Council: +46 (0)498-204316

Gävleborg County Council: +46 (0)54-614383

Jämtland County Council: +46 (0)63-142475

Västmanland County Council: +46 (0)21-173000

Uppsala County Council: +46 (0)018-6116060

Västerbotten County Council: +46 (0)090-7857069